
Configure Appointment Details

GP (or advanced practioner) Medical Appointment Request

From 8am (or until capacity reached) for urgent requests only (these will be dealt with the same day) 
From 5pm (or until capacity reached) for routine requests only (these will be dealt with within 48 working hours) 

Please contact the surgery at any time if your problem is urgent, and our team will be able to signpost you to another service or speak to the triage team.
See below for other uses of our online form. 


Click to Request an Appointment / Admin Query

See below for details and times to use the service. 



To Order a Repeat Prescription

Click here to see the full list of options for ordering your repeat prescription.

Doctor appointment
Nurse/Pharm Appointment
Admin Query


The NHS app lets you order repeat prescriptions and view your GP medical record. You can also track your appointments.

Download the NHS App on Apple app store

Download the NHS App on the Google Play store


Airmid APP

The Airmid app lets you order repeat prescriptions and view your GP medical record. You can also track your appointments. 

Download the Airmid App on Apple App Store

Download the Airmid App on Google Play Store


Systmonline APP

The Systmonline app lets you order repeat prescriptions and view your GP medical record. You can also track your appointments. 

Download the Systmonline App on Apple App Store

Download the Systmonline App on Google Play Store


What options are available when the service is full

For acute or new symptoms such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy troubles, aches, pains, bites and stings etc, you can contact your local pharmacy for free clinical advice. Visit the following website for more information - How Pharmacies Can Help

For minor injuries such as cuts or lacerations, bruises, dislocations, eye injury, burns or scalds or minor head injury, visit a minor injuries unit. Visit the following website for more information - Minor Injuries / Urgent Care Units

For emergencies - You can visit the Accident & Emergency department for emergencies.

For health advice - NHS 111 have a system which will ask you questions relating to your problem and help you contact another provider if necessary. Visit - or call 111 

For Eye problems - such as red eyes, uncomfortable or irritation, discharge, recent changes to your eyesight, ingrowing lashes, something in your eye - you can visit a MECs Eye Service Provide for a free referral -  Visit to find a suitable provider 

For ear problems - such as discharge, eax, uncomfortability, you can contact Peak Pharmacy saltergate or visit places like Chesterfield Hearing Practice. 

For sexual health services - please visit the following website


Evening, Weekend and Early morning appointments

We have joined with other practices around the Chesterfield and Dronfield area to provide an out of hours service.

This is especially useful for patients who may work during our regular hours and require an appointment in the evening or at a weekend. 

Please note, you will still need to fill in an electronic form for a HUB appointment.

When filling in the request form for an appointment, if you are able to travel and would prefer to be seen or spoken to in the evening or at the weekend, please ask for a HUB appointment or an evening or weekend appointment. 

A GP, nurse, or healthcare assistant may be from another practice, but will be able to see your notes and deliver the information to your regular practice (providing that our practice has your consent for another healthcare provider to see your GP record). If you are not sure if you do, please ask your call handler, or reception staff to help.


Avenue House Surgery is one of the 'HUB' services. Avenue House Surgery have:

  • Tuesday Evening GP, Blood Test, Annual Review and Nurse appointments. From 6pm-8pm
  • Wednesday Evening Nurse appointments. From 6pm-8pm. 
  • Saturday Morning GP, Blood Test, Annual Review and Nurse appointments. From 8am-12pm

If you need to cancel this appointment and the surgery is closed please call 01246 957 549 and follow the instructions. This number is operational: Weekdays from 6pm until 8am and weekends. 

Within Chesterfield and Dronfield, there are more appointments available from 7am most days, and from 6pm in evenings. There are also some practices who hold clinics on Sundays. If you travel and would like to book in for one of these appointments, please let us know during your request. 


Home Visits

If you require a home visit, please contact the practice by telephone from 8am. 

You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls

You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Teaching and Training

Inspire Health is a 'Training Practice' which means we often have doctors placed in our surgery who are working under supervision of the GPs.

Sometimes during training video equipment may be used to record the actual consultation. Patient permission should always be given before recording can take place and if you refuse your wishes will be respected. Your decision will have no bearing on future care.

The Practice is also involved in placements for students. We have visiting Medical, Nursing, Physician Associate and Pharmacist students. The students will 'shadow' various members of the surgery team and your consent may be asked for them to be present during your consultation. We will respect your privacy and wishes if you prefer the students not to be present.

Some of the final year medical students also see patients. The medical student would normally see a patient for 20 minutes and take a history from the patient. Then a GP would join them for a further 10 minute appointment for the 'consultation'.  If you are happy to be more involved in the teaching of medical students in this way or as part of a panel of 'expert patients' please let one of the team know.